Have you ever wondered what types of animals are allowed in residential homes in Eastpointe? Have you ever wondered how many dogs or cats you are allowed to house? If you own dogs, are they licensed?

These questions can be answered in Chapter 8, Article I or the Code of Ordinances. Sheep, goats, pigs, cows, horses or llamas are not allowed at a residence in Eastpointe (https://library.municode.com/HTML/14693/level3/PTIICOOR_CH8AN_ARTIINGE.html#PTIICOOR_CH8AN_ARTIINGE_S8-4FAAN). Only two adult dogs (https://library.municode.com/HTML/14693/level3/PTIICOOR_CH8AN_ARTIINGE.html#PTIICOOR_CH8AN_ARTIINGE_S8-8NUDOAL) and three adult cats (https://library.municode.com/HTML/14693/level3/PTIICOOR_CH8AN_ARTIINGE.html#PTIICOOR_CH8AN_ARTIINGE_S8-15CA) are permitted.

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