Something I like to do is read books by folks running for office, or folks already elected to office. It not only helps me think about my journey as a public servant, but also the events surrounding the day, and what that person thought was important. Joe Biden's book helps put things in perspective. He talks about how he juggled home life and work life, even when Vice President of the United States. 

It was also interesting to hear the Vice President's take on his son's illness, after I had so recently gone through a ruptured brain aneurysm. He had described hospital visits, and I was now listenting to what it feels like from the other side, as I spent eleven days in the ICU. 

Overall, the book shows that Joe Biden is compassionate, and one who thinks deeply about how his decisions affect others. This is the kind of person that I want representing me, even I do not agree with them 100% of the time (what government official do you ever agree with 100% of the time?). I highly recommend this book for anyone that wants to hear stories about the Obama administration, being an elected official in general, or just read (or listen, as I did!) a good political book.

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